How we help Third Party Administrators

We are a creative company that focuses on establishing long-term relationships with customers.

Claim Repricing Solutions for TPAs

At Spectis Health, we specialize in efficient and cost-effective claim repricing solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of Third Party Administrators.

As a TPA, you understand the challenges of managing healthcare costs. Our claim repricing services aim to optimize reimbursements while ensuring fair and transparent pricing. Key features include:

Precision Repricing: Utilize our advanced algorithms to accurately reprice claims based on industry standards and negotiated rates.

Compliance Assurance: Our repricing process adheres to all relevant regulations and guidelines, providing you with peace of mind and minimizing the risk of compliance issues.

Customizable Solutions: Tailor our repricing solutions to align with your specific business rules and requirements, ensuring a seamless integration with your existing systems.

Strategic Single Case Agreements for Enhanced TPA Performance

Our Single Case Agreement (SCA) services are designed to empower TPAs with strategic negotiation tools, ensuring optimal outcomes for unique and challenging healthcare cases.

Tailored Negotiation: We understand that some cases require individualized attention. Our team excels in negotiating Single Case Agreements that benefit both parties involved.

Cost Containment: Maximize cost savings through strategic negotiations, allowing TPAs to achieve favorable reimbursement rates for exceptional cases without compromising quality of care.

Transparent Reporting: Gain insight into the negotiation process with detailed and transparent reporting, fostering a collaborative relationship between TPAs and healthcare providers.

Expert Out-of-Network Claims Negotiation for TPAs

Navigating out-of-network claims can be complex, but with Spectis Health, TPAs can confidently manage and negotiate these cases to achieve optimal results.

Strategic Negotiation: Leverage our expertise in negotiating out-of-network claims to secure reasonable rates, minimizing the financial impact on TPAs and their clients.

Timely Resolution: Our streamlined negotiation process ensures quick resolution, reducing the administrative burden on TPAs and enhancing overall efficiency.

Cost Transparency: We prioritize transparent communication throughout the negotiation process, providing clarity on negotiated rates and facilitating smooth reimbursement procedures.

Patient Steerage Solutions Driving Cost-Efficiency for TPAs

Our patient steerage services empower TPAs to guide patients toward cost-effective healthcare options, fostering a balance between quality care and financial responsibility.

Educational Initiatives: Implement targeted educational programs to inform patients about cost-effective alternatives and encourage informed decision-making.

Network Optimization: Work with us to optimize provider networks, ensuring that TPAs can steer patients toward high-quality, cost-effective healthcare options.

Engagement Tools: Utilize our engagement tools to enhance communication with patients, promoting awareness of cost-saving opportunities and guiding them toward efficient healthcare choices.

Choose Spectis Health for Comprehensive TPA Solutions

At Spectis Health, we are committed to providing comprehensive solutions for TPAs, including claim repricing, single case agreements, out-of-network claims negotiation, and patient steerage. Contact us today to learn how our tailored services can optimize your TPA operations and enhance overall cost efficiency.